helmet crest on black
My Pets
My Personal Site


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I love my pets! On this page I'll describe them and their special place in my life.

nego zaebi toa so pise na angliski.Gledaj jas tuka so ti pisam...

Name of One Pet

ova sme jas i Sara (kuceto sto mi sere niz cel stan i mi micha na krevet u kujna)


Here I'll add information about my first pet. I'll explain what type of animal he is and describe some of his favorite tricks.

e ova ne e moe kuce,ne znam chivo e...verovatno na tripod nekoe ...

A black dog; Actual size=240 pixels wide


e ova sme jas i decko mi koa loshata vila mi go pretvori vo magarence...

Name of Another Pet


Here I'll add information about another of my pets. Again, I'll talk about how I first got her and then describe some of her habits.

A cat; Actual size=240 pixels wide

i na ovaa macka ne i e lesno so e tuka...vidi i pogled..da moze oci ke ti iskara...